Some of my favorite sexual endeavors included several girls playing some sort of sex games with me. I grew up in a very small town and both of my parents worked so the neighborhood girls would come to my house to play. As we got older we started playing sex games. Soon that was all we did. Once we got home we stripped off our clothes and the games began.
The girls weren’t exactly super stars looks wise, but they were all I had and they opened my mind to banging the girl next door. Usually the girls wanted to watch me jerk off. The idea that I could make my own cum expel from my cock really perplexed them. Either that or they just played dumb so I would keep jerking off for them.
One of our favorite activities centered around masturbation races. We would all sit in a circle and see who could cum the fasted. The girl with the smallest boobs always seemed to win, but she lied a lot so you never knew if her orgasms were real.
Go cam 2 cam with Live cam girls all at the same time. Play the sex games you enjoyed as a kid. Girls love to do age role play for you. It can be very erotic.