I could hardly believe how much cam porn has improved over the past few years. The last time I checked it out was probably about 5 years ago and the comparison is day and night, worlds apart.
Just look at this honey, what a body! It looks like she doesn’t really show her face but I didn’t really hang around all that long to see if she does, I wanted to browse through more of the girls.
Just about all the others had no issues revealing their faces and they are almost all gorgeous and those I didn’t think were all that hot were just not my particular taste, I could easily see that someone else would think they are gorgeous.
What a treat really and I scoped it out on a Monday morning European time. I can hardly imagine how this site must be buzzing over a weekend in peak hours.
You can of course also chat cam2cam here and the girls are very sweet and quite interactive which just hypes it up even more.